Cloud Computing Search

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Open Position - Bing Search Core Relevance team - Bellevue , WA

Core Relevance Team in Bing Search team has open positions for Program Managers

The Core Relevance PM team is responsible for applying machine learning technology to solve real user problems.  We are one of the few teams working directly on moving a line item on the Online Serviced Division President executive score card.  We are focused on returning the best web results for every query on in the US market and we're expanding our scope to think globally, and pivoting beyond to becoming the intelligence engine to power other Microsoft services such as Windows, Xbox, Office, and Windows Phone. 

Positions are available in Bellevue, Washington at Bing headquarters.

Key Responsibilities
In your first six months on the job you will be expected to own a relevance opportunity and work with some of the best engineers to deliver it to users.  Specifically you will need to: (1) do data analysis to discover a relevance opportunity for a user experience, (2) define the measurement for what a successful solution looks like, (3) brainstorm multiple solutions to solve that problem, (4) build, experiment, and measure these solutions, and (5) ship the best performing of those solutions. Examples of some of relevance problems we solve are:
 How do you develop an algorithm to correctly spell {emansypashun} to {emancipation}?
What is the perfect set of results for a query like {Andromeda} where there so many interpretations such as the galaxy, the TV show, and the woman from mythology?
How do we know when someone searches for {dot} they mean "department of transportation" and they want the one closest to their current location?
What is the right machine learning algorithm to apply to combine thousands of features and signals to optimize for multiple target functions?
How do we find the best places for {kid friendly restaurants in nyc}?
How do you make these complex algorithms run in milliseconds and across thousands of machines so that they are easily maintainable?
What is the best answer a user when they search for {what bus can you take from Newark to hillside?} and how do you surface it?

For more information about the position read the complete job description


Ali Ahmadi
Bing Relevance Lead Program Manager

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