Cloud Computing Search

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Faculty Position at Georgetown University Department of Computer Science (1 Assistant Professor and 1 Senior Faculty Position)

Dear Colleagues,

  Thank you for considering or forwarding to any and all who would be of interest!  The Department of Computer Science at Georgetown University is hiring. We are looking for tenure track positions, one at the junior level and another at the senior level. Both positions are for large-scale data analytics:
The Department of Computer Science at Georgetown University invites applications for a tenure-track position in Computer Science at the Assistant Professor level. We are particularly interested in applicants with expertise in large-scale data analytics, which includes web analytics, data science, database, data mining, machine learning, applied algorithms, data and visual analytic systems, or related fields. A successful candidate is one who has demonstrated ability to conduct high-quality research in one or more of the areas of interest and has the potential to excel in teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels. The proposed start date is August 2015.  
Required Qualifications: Applicants must have a Ph.D. in Computer Science or a closely related field. The degree must be completed before August 2015.
Applications received by January 15, 2015, will receive full consideration for first-round interviews though later applications are welcome.
Georgetown University, which attracts some of the very best students in the country and world, is located in the heart Washington, D.C., a city that provides opportunities to connect with government agencies as well as high-tech industries.

Application site:

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